Cooking for Convenience - with Kids

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Cultivating Awareness

For the last two days, I've been much more attuned to what we already have been doing, what we used to do and for whatever reason are not now, and what we could be doing to make our own convenience foods. Everytime I pick up a store-bought item, I'm wondering - "How hard would it be to make this?" "I wonder how this would freeze."

On Tuesday as we drove all over the county to the various kid activities, I remembered all the little things we used to do to avoid eating out:
- Buying a big bag of pretzels and/or gold fish crackers and measuring 1 Cup increments into baggies.
- carrying a box of juice boxes and bottled water in the back of the car (when we lived in the heat and cold this worked better if they were in a cooler)
- buying boneless skinless chicken breasts in large packages, trimming them and putting just enough for a meal into freezer bags.
- buy bulk ground turkey and bagging and freezing meal size portions (generally 1/2 to 1 lbs)

Today, Greg asked me to buy more Hot Pockets - wonder if I can find a recipe for those...


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