Cooking for Convenience - with Kids

Friday, January 28, 2005

Mixes in NO extra time!

This week the kids and I experimented with making up extra mixes at the same time we were preparing food. We started on Tuesday with Waffles. While we were mixing up the waffles for our breakfast, we grapped two baggies and measured the dry ingredients into the baggies. So now, not only do I have left over waffles in my freezer, I also have two baggies of pre-mixed dry waffle mix in the refrigerator. All I have to do is add the wet ingredients (which I wrote on the outside of the bag) and cook them up.

Today, Josh and I did the same thing with our favorite play dough recipe. Except, I only have one bag left. After making orange play dough, Josh decided we needed purple. So we used one of the bags right then.

Both times - it add absolutely no extra time to the entire cooking process. I even wrote the wet ingredients on the outside of the bags while the meals were cooking.

Later I'll post our experiences, complete with pictures and recipes!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

A day out without eating out!

We did it! - A whole day of driving from one end of the county to the other (and back again) without eating out.

We started the day by chopping up a half block of cheese into strips, stuffing them into baggies along with a package of crackers, some yogurt, and ham (for Z). Juice boxes and water were already in the car. Kate (7) helped cut the cheese, Joshua (5) held the bags, I zipped them; and Zachary (2) put everything into a larger bag.

The snacks held us over until we could stop off at home in between things, during which time I heated up some pre-cooked chicken nuggets from the freezer and gave everyone a bowl to eat in the car on the way to the next activity.

While this is not the nirvana I'd like to get to (we did use some store-bought convenience foods), it is a HUGE milestone for us. Avoiding eating out while we are out and about really makes a difference in our budget.

This evening we celebrated by trimming and bagging up two large packages of boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Two breasts per bag. Zachary's job was to put all the bags into the freezer. We'll use these later for dinners.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Cultivating Awareness

For the last two days, I've been much more attuned to what we already have been doing, what we used to do and for whatever reason are not now, and what we could be doing to make our own convenience foods. Everytime I pick up a store-bought item, I'm wondering - "How hard would it be to make this?" "I wonder how this would freeze."

On Tuesday as we drove all over the county to the various kid activities, I remembered all the little things we used to do to avoid eating out:
- Buying a big bag of pretzels and/or gold fish crackers and measuring 1 Cup increments into baggies.
- carrying a box of juice boxes and bottled water in the back of the car (when we lived in the heat and cold this worked better if they were in a cooler)
- buying boneless skinless chicken breasts in large packages, trimming them and putting just enough for a meal into freezer bags.
- buy bulk ground turkey and bagging and freezing meal size portions (generally 1/2 to 1 lbs)

Today, Greg asked me to buy more Hot Pockets - wonder if I can find a recipe for those...

Monday, January 24, 2005

Getting Started

In December 2003, my daughter's Keepers of the Faith group learned to make Cookies-in-a-jar as gifts. We as a family thought this was such a good and economical idea that we made 30 of them for Christmas gifts that year - using five different recipes.

This year, we made about twenty jars - of just a Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. Since we had such fun with this, I started paying closer attention to the idea of mix-making.

Recently, Lori sent out a Taco/Chili Seasoning recipe through her Keeping the Home yahoo group. And then I found a recipe on how to make mixes similar to those produced under the Hamburger Helper brand. So now, Greg has asked me to pursue all of these and see how it works out.

Welcome to the Journey!